Enzyme Nutrition – The Importance of Raw Foods

To understand the importance of raw food, it is necessary to understand a little bit about enzymes. Enzymes are possibly the major benefit of raw food.


Everything we eat needs enzymes for digestion and our pancreas must produce these enzymes. Our body needs enzymes to function and stay healthy. Cooked and processed foods deplete our enzymes and put a burden on our pancreas so that it eventually enlarges and becomes less efficient. Raw foods do not deplete our enzyme supply and so there is more energy available for the pancreas to produce enzymes for all our essential body metabolism functions. This helps keep us healthy and energetic.


Another major benefit of raw fruits and vegetables is oxygenation of our blood. Raw food greens are rich in chlorophyll, wheatgrass is especially so. One of chlorophyll’s main functions is oxygenation of the blood stream. Our oxygen supply is reduced on a high-fat, high-protein, cooked food diet. The food consumed today is even worse, as it is also full of chemicals and toxins. Without sufficient blood oxygenation we develop symptoms of low energy, sluggish digestion and metabolism. Poor digestion weakens the immune system and puts us at risk of diseases and cancer. Research has suggested that insufficient oxygen to all our cells is a major cause of cancer.


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