Simple Changes to Lose Weight and Improve Your Health!

Losing weight isn’t easy. We have all been there. There are so many diets out there to choose from that even the celebs are trying! Lemon diet, Green tea diet, even a Pineapple diet! So which do you choose?

The reality of it is, yes you can pick a diet but will you keep the weight off long term? Possibly not. And in fact the average person gains 11 lbs within 3 months or so of finishing a diet because,let’s face it, we’re not going to continue eating pineapples every day for the rest of our lives!

The key to losing weight is knowing what to do. Not just short term, but how to keep it off.

Here we’re going to give you some great tips on losing weight and how to help keep the weight off. Really simple things you can do or change in your daily routine which will really benefit you and have the weight falling off you!


  1. Eat healthy. Avoid the ‘Diets’

As mentioned before, the average person gains weight after losing weight. In fact up to 75% of people that have lost weight gain 11lbs or more soon after finishing a diet. Then what often happens is either you go try another diet, lose the weight again. Then gain it again soon after. Which causes the ‘Yo-Yo’ effect. This then effects your metabolism, so when you start the next diet, it is even harder for you to lose weight! Arggghhh!

Or the other thing that might happen is, you lose weight. Great! Put it back on…. Boooo! Then come to the conclusion that diets do not work so do not bother trying any more.

Either way, you haven’t lost weight.

The best way is to eat a balanced healthy diet. Stay away from processed foods and simple carbohydrates. And instead, opt for complex carbs which are in fruit, starchy vegetables, whole grains, oats, beans, and nuts. Use fresh fruit, vegetables and meat (if you are a meat eater of course) and you will really notice the difference


  1. Drink Green Tea

Green tea contains caffeine (although only small amounts so will not keep you up at night). It is also packed an antioxidants called catechins which has been known to increase fat burning. Really simple and effective.


  1. Buy a smaller plate

I know it sounds silly, but it really works! Buying yourself smaller plates and having a full plate of food using your new plate, instantly reduces the amount of calories you are consuming. Easy!


  1. Drink hot water with lemon first thing in the morning


You have probably heard this one a few times before but it really does work!

It is a natural daily detox. It flushes your body and most importantly, your digestive system. Often your body retains toxins from processed food and alcohol which can actually cause you to retain body fat. So drinking this daily will rid you of those toxins and help you lose body fat easier.


Wow that’s 2 fat burners added into your day and you haven’t even hit the gym yet! Let keep going!


  1. Having a little cheat

Cheat days and cheat meals, although they are OK to have, be careful how you reward yourself. It is not about undoing all the hard work you have done for the whole week prior. Why not try at the end of you meal, have something sweet without going over the top. One scoop of ice cream or a yoghurt is ideal. It means that you will not feel like you are depriving yourself and end up binging on doughnuts someone has brought in to work on a Friday. Remember, it’s all about balance.


  1. Go to bed, sleepy head!

Sleep is so important in your day to day life. Realistically yes, it is not always possible to get a full 8 hours, but even mild sleep deprivation can affect the hunger stimulating hormone (Ghrelin) to go into overdrive and reduces levels of the hormone that suppresses appetite (Leptin). This can cause you to feel hungry when you are not.


So what are some good foods to add into your daily routine that are nutritious and of course, delicious?

Juices and Smoothies


Juicing and smoothies really are the in thing at the moment. You can really pack in a lot of nutrients and vitamins in just one smoothie so it really is a great option! Not sure where to start? Why not try this nutrient pack smoothie to get you started. This smoothie has 71% of your daily fiber needed and get this, 100% of the iron you need per day!


Blueberry & Spinach Smoothie:



155 grams of blueberries (frozen

190 Spinach

227 grams of non-Fat Greek Yoghurt

20 Grams of coconut meat

1 cup of water

1tsp of cinnamon



Combine everything in a blender and serve


Or maybe a quick snack?

These energy balls are great to have left in the fridge for when you fancy a snack


71 grams of almonds

360 grams of chickpeas

2 tbsp. Peanut Butter

¼ cup of honey

½ tbsp. of vanilla extract


  • Line a tray that will fit in your freezer with parchment paper. Set aside.
  • In a food processor, process the almonds until they are a fine crumb. Add the chickpeas and process until they are fully broken down. Next, add the peanut butter, honey, and vanilla and process until you have a smooth mixture.
  • Remove the blade from the processor. Roll the mixture into small balls and place on your tray. Continue until you use all the mixture; you should have around 30 balls. Freeze for at least 20 minutes before serving.

So the key to weight loss is simply to be healthy. Making just a few simple changes to your day and your meals really will make a difference. Not only will you lose weight, but you will be happier and healthier. Why not give these tips a try!

If you are serious about losing weight, feeling healthy, looking younger, gaining more mental clarity, and getting more zest to pursue your goals then follow this link to check out the ultimate healthy weight loss solution: Organifi Green Juice for Optimum Health